Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!
We all have a story to tell and share. And with every story told. Someone within this universe will be able to relate based on similarities. Finding my purpose and living a (SPIRITUAL LIFE) is what I’ve been thriving for regarding my own self. And as a (CHOSEN) lightworker. I have a spiritual contract that I must fulfill on behalf of God! But let’s keep it 100! There’s been some trying times regarding reaching that goal of spirituality. And drug addiction, prostitution, now knowing oneself, insecurities, fear and low vibrations, all played a HUGE role in regard to (BLOCKAGE), when it really comes down to why I haven’t accomplished my spiritual goals. And, many may or may not agree, that human influences also play a huge role in regard to a person’s spiritual quest. And I’ve been on this earth forty seven years now. And I’ve definitely had my fair share of relationships regarding humans enough to know that. I really don’t want those types of relationships in my life anymore! No and yes, I do and don’t have a problem with humans. But I’ve learned over the years. When I put humans on the back burner, ”FOR WHATEVER REASON THAT I DO!” My life tends to align alongside with the universe, and I find myself to be much more happier when it’s just myself and the spiritual realm together. And yes, this can become a very lonely life, ”ONLY IF YOU ALLOW IT TO BE”, for most. But with so many failed human experiences. I’m over learning about humans and desperately seek to learn about my spiritual team! So in a nutshell. This podcast is for we (BELIEVERS), and those whom think alike! Believers in what? Popping shrooms and conversing with nature and animals! Connecting with the ancestors and spiritual guides. Believers in fairies, dragons, unicorns, angels, God and the devil! Believers in magic. ”AS I TYPE THIS. THE TIME IS 11:11 PM! SEE!” Believers in spirit animals and other dimensions! You’re my people and we need to connect! Believers whom trust their intuition and suspensions. Believers whom believe in the dead and that they still exist on other levels! I want to hear your near death experiences! I want all of this for my podcast and more! I have all sorts of ideas for my platform. But if I foreshadow too much. They’ll be no surprises in the end and it’ll give others the chance to take my ideas. And I definitely don’t want that! So join, stick around and help me raise the vibrations of this world in hopes for a better place!
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
In this episode. I'm enjoying some raw veggies and four elotes that I made! "AND BOY WAS IT GOOD!" I made sure to keep it all about the crunches and smacks as I enjoyed my snacks! This DEFINITELY helped to increase my vibrations considering they were a tinge low yesterday. I hope this episode uplifts y'all vibrations, and until my next upload, namaste.
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
In this episode. I foreshadow to you all, something that occurred earlier today which slightly lowered my vibrations. I shared in more details, what happened on my YouTube channel. "WHICH I ALSO SHARED WITH YOU ALL ON ANOTHER EPISODE." So feel free to go on there and visit playlist "THEY LIVE AMONGST US" for more details. I also explained what happened shortly after the Janet Jackson concert on Tuesday. It's a true blessing that I'm even here to address you all considering! Simply press play and you'll here my explanation of what happened that night. Until my next episode, y'all be good people of the planet, and much love, namaste!
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
In this episode. I share my opinions in regard to the Janet Jackson concert held in downtown Phoenix! I also share my opinions regarding Nelly's all female background crew! "👶, all I'm saying is ass!" And they were throwing it too!!! Lastly, I foreshadowed to you all about a little something that lowered my vibrations after the concert! I'll share that with y'all within divine timing. Until my next episode. Live life like it's your last! And please, download and follow, y'all support would be gladly appreciated!
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
In this recording. I speak about my usual sighting of angelic numbers. I do believe that I touch basis on the fact, I do have a bit of a potty mouth. And if I didn't mention it. "THERE YOU GO!" I wanted to reach out to my people of addiction in regard to, "THE WEEKENDS!" As I mentioned in one of my episodes. The weekends are some trying times for myself personally because it's a (TRIGGER) for my addiction! There's more, but you'll have to download and play in order to hear the rest ;)! Until next time, namaste and happy living!
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
In this episode. I explain to you all, the fact that I'm still seeing these angelic numbers! So I read some of them off to you guys in the event some of y'all are seeing these particular numbers yourselves! I touched on a few topics including y'all viewing some of my cosmic friends on my Pinterest board. Just simply lookup (DEEVENOMOUS1STINGER) or (DEE VENOM), board (CAN YOU SEE WHAT I SEE)! There, you'll find some interesting images "AND VIDEOS" of some pretty interesting entities! Now, I worded those particular uploads in regard to the images and videos. But Pinterest has upgraded overtime, and what I wrote about regarding those images/videos may, or may not still be there! Also, there should be an image of me, when I use to reside in Vegas, walking down the street smoking a cigarette. But when I zoomed into that particular image. I noticed that there was something behind me! I was SO freaked out at what I saw to the point I (SCREENSHOT) the zoomed image just for uploading! I wanted the world to see what I had seen! "MAYBE Y'ALL WILL SEE THE SCARY WHITE GHOSTLY FACE! OR, MAYBE NOT!" But the photo should still be there because I never removed it! "MIND YOU ALL! VEGAS IS WHERE I FIRST STARTED METHAMPHETAMINE! SO I OPENED UP PANDORA'S BOX THERE! ALONG WITH ALL OF THE DEMONS AND SPIRITS THAT CAME WITH IT! AND UNTIL THIS VERY DAY! I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW THAT PICTURE WAS EVEN TAKEN OF ME THAT NIGHT!" In a nutshell. I feel as if it was an evil entity that was after me that night! Oh, I forgot one topic of conversation but will touch on it during another time and date. Anyway, before I give too much away regarding this episode. I better let y'all go! So have a GREAT day, evening, and/or night, and namaste! Please, don't forget to give me y'all prayers during this time regarding my possible upcoming surgery! Thanks in advance and much love!
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
In this episode. I share a story of someone I know and how they chose to deal with their addiction. "AND IT'S DEFINITELY EASIER SAID THAN DONE!" I'll admit, I tried something very similar to what this person did but was unsuccessful at it! I mean, you LITERALLY have to dig deep within in order to find the strength to do this! But if you want to give yourself that chance at life, so be it! I hope you all enjoy today's podcast and until my next episode, namaste.
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
I was hungry and thought, "WHY NOT DO SOME ASMR FOR MY PODCAST! AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I DID!" After I bought my items. I went to the local park near my home and parked. That's where I proceeded to (THROW DOWN) regarding my snaking and to make various different noises, that I hope will trigger your mind and leave you with tingles! Now what does (ASMR) have to do with (SPIRITUALITY)? Well, as an addict, these noises and various eating sounds triggers my mind, "IN A GOOD WAY THAT IS!" And it makes me happy. Keeping my vibrations raised high! "WHICH I LOVE IN RETURN!" I've even made my own version of asmr eating videos on YouTube. Though they're not as good as the pros. I do it for the fun of it, and because it keeps me (ALIVE)! "WHAT MORE CAN I SAY ABOUT THAT!" And me loving various different smells noises, and sounds didn't just now come into my life! From my recollect, I've had a craving for these certain somethings very early on in my childhood. I just didn't have a mane to identify with how I was feeling at that time! "AND YEARS LATER. THE TERM (ASMR) EMERGES, CHANGING THE GAME FOREVER!" If you're into asmr like I am. Then you'd know that I'm eating some type of chips, a beef steak strip, drinking water and a slurpy! You should also know when I'm eating something different, drinking water or changed over to the slurpy! You should know whether or not my mouth is open or closed while chewing, etc. I think it's fun to close your eyes and imagine (THIS PERSON) eating and smacking! I closed my eyes and envisioned a heavy set person with cats, devouring chip after chip as I chuckled and laughed to myself! "AND NO, THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO BE OBESE. THAT'S JUST THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MY MIND AT THE TIME, LOL" Anyway, enjoy the content and until my next upload, namaste! Oh, you might want to turn your volume down a tinge. The recording can be a bit loud and in the ear 😏. Alright people, off to bed! See you all during my next upload, namaste.
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
I recorded this content yesterday, July 14, 2024. But I was too tired regarding addressing the content and uploading it! So that's why I'm uploading it today. Also, I forgot to tell you guys what (ANGELIC NUMBERS) frequented me during yesterdays recording! So I'll mention them here in a little bit 😁! I also made a mistake during my recording that I want to clarify as I listened back to my content. I was speaking to you all regarding (MY CARS GAS) prior to me speaking with y'all about angelic numbers. I then started talking about the numbers but jumped topics and said, paraphrasing, "ANYWAY, MOVING ON FROM THE SUBJECT OF GAS!" When I should've said, "THE SUBJECT OF ANGELIC NUMBERS! WHICH I NEVER GOT BACK AROUND TO." (MY BAD)! Anyway, some of the angelic numbers that I came across yesterday happened to be, 633,555,4555,1233,1222,1133,1212,808,88,855,1010,822,922,633,533,1033! "NOW ON TO YOU GUYS AND THIS QUIZ!" Once you all figure out what your top three (GUIDES) are. Please feel free to share them with me and the world! Be proud of your guides and show appreciation for them by telling the world who they are to you! I'm sure they'll bless you and yours in return for this action!!! Oh, I also made it to Aldi grocery store last night and bought some good healthy stuff to eat! Until my next upload. Y'all be good and namaste 😇🤗😇🤗!
Hello everyone, and thank you for tuning into (RAISING VIBRATIONS) podcast! I am "DEE VENOM" your host, and again, thanks for embracing my platform with your energies! Originally from the Midwest, Rockford, Illinois, to be exact. I've had my fair share of trials and tribulations and want to share them with you all in the form of stories! "AND I HAVE AMPLE TO SHARE!" Though I had a pretty fair and good upbringing. I decided to merge off track and experimented with alcohol at a young age. Which eventually led to hard-core drugs, prostitution, and other (LOW VIBRATIONAL) activities that could put one on harms ways, if they're not careful! "AND MOST OF THE TIMES! I WASN'T CAREFUL!" Moving from the Midwest to Las Vegas, Nevada, is where I was introduced to (SATAN'S) drug, and I got caught up in the dangerous world of the (DRUG MATRIX)! Unfortunately, my move to Vegas got me hooked on methamphetamine, and I've been battling this addiction now for some years! But with the help of my (SPIRITUAL) team, therapist, family, and what few friends I do have. Came a newfound hope regarding life, which brings me here! I'm using my life's experiences to better help the world and (RAISE HER VIBRATIONS) the best way that I can! So I'm using my voice and my life as a vessel in order to help others not make the mistakes that many of us adults already have! So, through my social media platforms such as YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and now Podbean. I'm putting, myself, and my life out there in order to help others not make my same mistakes! So join me as I speak of relapse, spiritual guides, drugs, self-worth, God, and much more on this podcast! I also have other plans that involve music. But all within divine timing. Until then, thank you all again in advance for your energies and namaste!